Riverbend is a small 4th generation Dairy farm situated on the Taieri Plains, New Zealand. The property has been loved by many over the years and every generation has changed and developed the property further. As a child I lived on a nearby farm and spent many happy hours exploring my grandparents farm and discovering the magic of Riverbend. In 2007 I got married, moved back to the Taieri Plains and had my first garden to care for. I spent many hours learning as much as I could from talented gardeners that blessed me with their time and plants, I was hooked. In 2011 my husband and I welcomed our first child and then sadly in the same year my Grandma who lived at Riverbend passed away. My Grandma loved flowers and I treasure the memories of walking around the garden with her learning and admiring many of her special plants. In 2014 we moved to Riverbend
After being inspired by several speciality small scale flower farms and the slow flower movement in 2019, I decided to take my love of gardening and flowers further and with the help of a very supportive and handy husband we converted a small calf paddock to a field of flowers
Originally the plan was very vague and I hadn't thought too much past growing flowers but along the journey I found a new passion, designing with flowers. I had never intended this to happen but it is something I can't image not doing now. The beauty of garden grown flowers is something completely different and I feel very passionate about showcasing these special blooms
Grown mostly from seed and in the field certainly has its challenges but it enables the flowers to be full of life and character. My focus is on growing varieties not commonly commercially available. The growing season is typically from late September through to early April and extended with our range of dried flowers. My operation is very rough and ready and slightly whimsical with many secondhand items and areas needing more time but it provides and I'm thankful for it all
Each growing season is different and ever changing but weddings, events and workshops are my main focus at the moment. I offer seasonal bouquets, fresh & dried with a small range of gift products
Riverbend is about sharing and growing beauty in an honest and open way with the hope to inspiring others to celebrate and love flowers
- Keryn

Photographs by Sinead Jenkins Photography sineadjenkins.com